School Bond Election Day in America

Just over 500 School Bond issues are on the ballot in the United States today, Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Altogether, almost $40 Billion is at stake. Click on the headline above to see further information. Here is the state-by-state breakdown of the amounts on the ballot today: TX $17,860,524,900 AZ $3,729,306,937 NC $2,500,000,000 MI $2,474,824,656 OH $2,421,848,906 MN $2,105,840,828 IA $1,578,120,620 RI $1,059,400,000 NM $1,032,345,716 WA $925,760,615 CO $843,869,423 SC $716,535,000 ME $516,061,141 OR $474,295,000 VA $451,274,000 KS $205,434,890 MA $194,256,188 ID $138,400,000 GA $137,000,000 CT $106,875,000 IN $84,220,000 NJ $69,800,050 VT $39,072,904 MT $9,550,000 SD $6,300,000

November School Bond Election Previews #2

We continue to unravel the top November school bond votes that are garnering attention for their potential to positively impact local education systems: These bond votes symbolize a remarkable commitment to advancing education and creating conducive learning environments for students. As these communities head to the polls, the decisions made will undeniably have a lasting impact on the educational landscape and the broader society. So, as November approaches, the spotlight shines brightly on these pivotal school bond votes, underscoring the collective responsibility and the profound opportunity to foster a thriving educational milieu for the upcoming generations.

November School Bond Election Previews #1

Several significant school bond votes are scheduled for November 2023 across different regions in the United States. School Bond News will be highlighting a number of these in a series of previews. Click on the article title above for a summary of some of the major ones for this week: These bond votes reflect a broader trend of communities investing in educational infrastructure to accommodate growing student populations and to modernize existing facilities.

April and May ’23 School Bond Funding Opportunities Take Shape

The February ’23 deadlines mandated by various states, such as Michigan, Ohio, Oregon, and Texas, for their respective school districts to place bond referenda on the ballot have now passed. As of those deadlines, SchoolBondFinder is tracking over 415 referenda scheduled to go to a vote in April and May 2023. The total dollar amount being asked for these referenda exceeds $34 billion, covering everything from new facilities, athletic improvements, STEM labs, safety and security upgrades, and technology items or infrastructure. This amount is approximately $3 billion more than what went to a vote during the same period in 2022.…

School Bond Election Coverage: The Largest Single Day of Decisions We’ve Ever Seen!

It has now been almost two weeks since the November 8 mid-term elections, and we at TheAmosGroup.US are ready to call our results “pretty close to final.” There won’t be much that changes from here on out. The short story? About 65% of all bond elections passed . . . and yet this represents 80% of the dollars that were up for a funding vote. How is that possible? There is sometimes a “spread” between the two passage rates. We are analyzing our data now to see why that may have been the case this time around, but in general…